
Friday, September 25, 2020






The snail can be found all over the world except in Antarctica.

It is an invertebrate because it doesn't have a backbone. It has a shell instead called an exoskeleton. It eat’s fruit,plants and bark. A snail has a foot that is very small in size. Snail’s make a trails of slime when it moves. Snail have a respiratory pore in front of the shell. The predators are frogs and birds, snakes but you can not find snakes in New Zealand. When snails are in danger they go into the shell. The snail lives in your garden and bush’s and the bottom of a tree’s. A snail has a big shell and the eyes are on the antennas.

Thursday, September 24, 2020



For today release day we did an optical illusion. It was hard. I nearly quit from it but I tried and I did some more but I do not wont to show all of them because it was so bad. Can you just look at the ones that have got the arrows. By Jed M.           

Monday, September 14, 2020

Bad People.

 For DFI we needed to do a comic. I did a bad one, do not do this. Do not be mean to people so do not be mean to your friends. Be nice and not a bully to people. Here is the site comic. I am a nice person because I write positive, thoughtful and helpful comments on peoples blogs. Try to be nice. 


Thursday, September 10, 2020

dfi work

I was with Everley we had to work together for dfi I just got in a few days a go by the teacher me and her had to do a good or bad I did the green and one red and she did the two red. I did the thumbs up and down but she was at the garden what would be good for the plans and we need air to live in the world but I did some not all of the work she helped me. 


DFI Leaning

One day me and Everley were doing work for Dfi . What are good or bad comments. We had to look at some comments and say what you can see on the screen to do thumbs up or down.


One day for release team we did art. I went to go to read to a teacher I got 8 out of 10. when I come back they were so far done more then me. I just did a diffident one not.